Browsing Tag


  • Great Suffering and Great Love: The Tension of Faith

    This may come as a surprise to no one- but I identify very strongly with Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet of the Christian Old Testament. I feel things- suffering specifically-so very deeply I am sometimes…

    January 23, 2018
  • You Stepped Down into Darkness: Suffering & Psalm 44

    This week my hometown community lost someone very special-my childhood pastor, my only pastor, really. A man who was exceedingly loving and kind and passionate. He devoted his life to his church and to…

    December 12, 2017
  • Re-Imaging My Angry Feminist

    My dance of faith and feminism began when my mother-in-law suggested I read Sue Monk Kidd’s Dance of the Dissident Daughter. This book ripped my heart wide open and threw a freaking hand grenade…

    July 11, 2017
  • Re-Imaging God

    This  story is forcing me to be even more vulnerable and open. But here it goes. I have a deep and constant fear that something or everything will go wrong. Whenever life seems too…

    July 3, 2017
  • Re-Imaging: Can Women Re-Image the Church?

    God is a man. You’re causing men to stumble. Women can’t/shouldn’t be pastors. You’re not enough for your family. The man is the head of the household. You’re too emotional. Whether we learn it in church, from our family, or…

    June 20, 2017